Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
Lost4217 Winterbottom, R. 1993 search for the gobiid sister group (actinopterygii:percomorpha).  
Lost4216 Winterbottom, R. 1993 myological evidence for the phylogeny of recent genera of surgeofishes(percomorpha,acanthuridae),with comments on the acanthuroidei.  
Lost4215 Winterbottom, R. 1992 Evolution of nasothynnoides and status of nominor(acanthuridae;actinopterygii).  
Lost4214 Williams, J.T.; McCormick; Carolyn, J. 1990 Two new species of the triplefin fish genus helcogramma (tripterygiidae) from the copeia 1990.  
Lost4213 Whitley, G.P. 1965 mene maculata,proc.royal south wales,1964-1965.  
Lost4212 Whitley, G.P. 1957 list of typs-specimens of recent fishes in the australian museum,sydney,.  
Lost4211 Whitehouse, R.H.  XVI the evolution of the caldal fins of fishes;records of the indian museum.  
Lost4210 Whetten, J.T.; Fullam, T.J.  International association for hydraulic research columbia river bed forms.  
Lost4209 Weitzman, S. 1971 Zootoxicology,.  
Lost4208 Weber ; de beaufort 1916 fish. Indo-Austr. Arch.  
Lost4206 Waite 1900 Addition to the fish-fauna of lord howe islands.rec.west.aust.mus.III,.  
Lost4203 Uyeno, T.; Kishida, S. 1977 The second specimen of the alepocephalid fish,rauleina tanakae,collected off kyushu,japan.  
Lost4202 Tyler, J.C. 1970 The Dorsal and anal spine-locking apparatus(Acanthuridae).  
Lost4201 Tyler, J.C. 1974 Tetraodontiformes.  
Lost4200 Tyler, J.C. 1975 American Philosophical society year book 1974.  
Lost4199 Tyler, J.C. 1973 A new species of triacathodid fish (plectognathi) from the Eocene of Monte Bolca,representing a new subfamily ancestral to the triodontidae and the other gymnodonts.