Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
05944 Kimsey J. Bruce; Fisk Leonard O. 1964 Freshwater Nongame Fishes of California.  
05921 尾城隆 1977 Physiological Studies on Ovulation of Fishes.  
05909 Schreck Carl B. 1974 Control of Sex in Fishes.  
05907 Shiraishi Yoshikazu; Masahiro Takagi 1955 Food Habit of Trout in Lake Yunoko, with Reference to the Morphology of Body and Digestive Organs.  
05906 Shiraishi Yoshikazu; Suzuki Norio 1962 The Spawning Activity of Ayu-Fish Plecoglossus Altivelis.  
05904 Bussing Myrna; Lavenberg Robert J. 1964 A Classification of Bathypelagic Fishes.  
05962   Description of a New Variety of Branchiostoma Belcheri Gray from Kiaochow Bay, Shantung, China.  
05964 Munroe Thomas A.; Desoutter Martine  Notes Ichtyologiques.  
06413 Last, P. R., Colletta B. B.  Leptoscopidae Southern Sandfishes; Ammodytidae Sandlances.  
06411 Last P. R.  Suborder Stromateoidei Amarsipidae Amarsipas.  
06114 Rosenblatt, Richard H.; Walker, Boyd W.  The Marine Shore-Fishes of the Galapagos Islands.  
06123 Briggs, John C.; Link, Gunther 1963 New Clingfishes of the Genus Lepadichtbys from the Northern Indian Ocean and Red Sea (Pisces, Gobiesocidae).  
05998 Gilmour, J. S. L.  Taxonomy and Philosophy.  
06001   Artificial Key to the Familes of True Fishes or Teleostei of North and Middle America (Modified from Jordan and Evermann).  
06006 Svetovidov, A. N. 1953 Materials on the Structure of the Fish Brain - 1. Structure of the Brain of Codfishes.  
06007 Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder, William C.  Cyclostomes.