Body elongated, compressed; skin cover with minute spines; head relatively small; caudal slender; snout truncated; illicium emerging slightly behind the snout tip, without secondary filaments and terminal escal light organ, a narrow longitudinal transparent band on the distal 7% of illicial length; lower jaw and premaxillary teeth absent.
D 3-4; P 18; A 4; C 9. Illicium length 143-158 in % SL; longest caudal fin rays 34-45% SL.
Marine. First dorsal spine of female highly modified into a long rod with a light organ in the tip call illicium and esca, the esca containing bacteria as luminous symbiont, its function in attracting prey. Oviparous, larvae habits in the upper, food-rich
Widely distributed in tropical and subtropical parts of all oceans. It is rare in Taiwan occurring from northeastern off Yilan.