Scientific Name
Xiphias gladius  
Xiphias gladius劍旗魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Linnaeus, 1758 Depth 0 - 650M
Chinese 劍旗魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 劍旗魚科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F476 Xiphiidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 劍魚 
Max Length 455 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 旗魚舅、丁挽舅、劍魚、大目旗魚、丁挽舅旗魚 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan East、South、North East、LanI Is. 
Habitats Ocean、Deep Sea、Coastal  Holotype Locality Europe 
Synonyms Phaethonichthys tuberculatus, Tetrapterus imperator, Xiphasia gladius, Xiphias estara, Xiphias gladius estara, Xiphias imperator, Xiphias rondeletii, Xiphias rondeletti, Xiphias thermaicus, Xyphias gladius   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.6(FAO, 2001)  Conrad, G.M. 1937 Conrad, G.M. 1937 Raven, H.C. etc. 1937 Raven H. C. ,LaMonte Francesca 1937 Conrad G. M. 1937 Conrad G. Miles 1937 G. Miles Conrad 1937 G. Miles Conrad 1937 H. C. Raven etc. 1937 Nigrelli, R.F. 1938 Nigrelli Ross F. 1938 Ross F. Nigrelli 1938 Conrad, G.M. 1940 Conrad G. Miles 1940 G. Miles Conrad 1940 HIROSHI YABE 1951 Eschmeyer, W. N. 1963 Scott, W.B. etc. 1972 Yasuda, F. etc. 1978 Potthoff, T. etc. 1982 Chi-Lu Sun, Sheng-Ping Wang, etc. 2002 林筱齡 2003 Sheng-Ping Wang, Chi-Lu Sun, etc. 2003 王勝平 2004 
Specimen List ASIZP0059907. ASIZP0078910. ASIZP0078922. ASIZP0806227. ASIZP0806228. ASIZP0806229. ASIZP0916227. ASIZP0916228. ASIZP0916229. FRIP21456.  
Barcode2014-10-30,Kwang-Tsao Shao,CO1,100%
Common Name Sword fish; Swordfish; Broad-bill sword-fish; Broadbill swordfish; Broadbill; Swordfish 
Redlist Status EN IUCN Redlist: Endangered(EN) A1bd 1996-08-01   
Characteristic The body is elongated and cylindrically. Upper jaw prolonged into a sword-like long bill, flat-oval in cross-section; eye large. Caudal peduncle with large keel present on each side and a deep notch on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces. No pelvic fins. Lateral line absent in adults, but recognizable in specimens to about 1 m body length as a wave line, disappearing with growth. Adults scaleless but scales with small spines present in specimens to about 1 m body length. Back and sides of body blackish-brown, gradually fading to light-brown on ventral side.
habitats The swordfish is epi-and mesopelagic, oceanic species, usually found in surface waters warmer than 13℃, the optimum temperature range being 18℃ to 22℃ in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The swordfish has the greatest temperature tolerance among billfishes 
Distribution The swordfish is highly migratory species, cosmopolitan in tropical, temperate and sometimes cold waters of all oceans, including the Mediterranean Sea, the Sea of Marmara, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov. Mt DNA restriction analysis reveal that geneti 
Utility The quality of the flesh is excellent for steaks, canning or “Teriyaki” (grilled meat with sugar; soy-sauce and rice wine in the Japan way). Marketed mostly fresh or frozen. Large individuals may accumulate large percentages of mercury in its flesh.