Scientific Name
Benthosema suborbitale  
Benthosema suborbitale耀眼底燈魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Gilbert, 1913) Depth 50 - 2500M
Chinese 耀眼底燈魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 燈籠魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F200 Myctophidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 耀眼底燈魚 
Max Length 3.9 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 燈籠魚、七星魚、光魚 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan East、South 
Habitats Deep Sea、Coastal  Holotype Locality Suruga Bay, Japan [Western North Pacific], 35°02'10"N, 138°38'E, Albatross station 5064, depth 300 fathoms 
Synonyms Benthosema fibulata, Benthosema imitator, Benthosema simile, Bentosema suborbitale, Myctophum fibulatum, Myctophum fibulatum proximum, Myctophum imitator, Myctophum pterotum, Myctophum simile, Myctophum suborbitale   
Reference A review of lanternfishes( Families: Myctophidae and Neoscopelidae) and their distributions around Taiwan and Tungsha Islands with notes on seventeen new records(Wang and Chen, 2001);Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);中國動物誌-燈籠魚目(陳等, 2002)  Wang, J. T.-M. etc. 2001 Nakabo T. 2002 Nakabo T. 2002 陳素芝 編著 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0063891. ASIZP0077752. ASIZP0077763. ASIZP0077764. FRIP01323. ZMUCP2362807-2362870.  
Common Name Smallfin lanternfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic D. 13 (12); A. 17 (16-18); P. 14; GR 3 +1 + 9 (10); AO 6 (5-7) + 5 (4-6), total 11 (10-12) Origin of dorsal fin behind vertical through base of outermost ray of ventral fin. Origin of anal fin under base of penultimate ray of dorsal fin. Base of adipose fin well in advance of vertical through end of base of anal fin. Pectoral fin long, extending to about second AOa, with upper end of its base about on level of ventral margin of orbit. Ventral fin short, not reaching anus. A small, round Dn immediately posterodorsad to nasal apparatus. Vn absent; So rounded, about the size of a body photopore. Op1 well developed, opposite middle of expanded portion of maxilla; Op2 somewhat behind vertical through posterior margin of Op1 and somewhat below level of ventral margin of orbit. PLO well in advance of upper end of base of pectoral fin, partly or completely covered by operculum and nearer to base of pectoral fin than to lateral line. Five PO, PO1 through PO5 almost on a straight line. PVO almost horizontal. VLO distinctly nearer to lateral line than to base of ventral fin. SAO series widely angular; SAO1 slightly behind vertical through center of VO3, well below line connecting VLO with SAO2 and on or very slightly above line connecting VO2 with SAO2; second SAO about over origin of anal fin; SAO3 on vertical line of AOa1, in contact with lateral line. Six AOa, AOa1 slightly depressed. Pol slightly behind vertical through center of last AOa and in contact with lateral line. AOp level and equidistant; AOp1 over or somewhat in advance of end of base of anal fin. Prc widely separated; Prc2 on lateral line.
habitats High-oceanic, epipelagic to mesopelagic, found in 375-750 m during the day and near the surface to 125 m at night. Adults feed on zooplankton. Caudal glands develop in both sexes from about 1.9 cm. 
Distribution Off eastern and southern Taiwan; Circumglobal in tropical and temperate waters. 