名詞 定義
head length The straight-line measurement of the head taken from the front of the upper lip to the membranous posterior end of the operculum, also the distance between the most anterior point on the head to the posterior bony or fleshy edge of the opercle (in Teleostomes), to the first gill opening (in Cyclostomata and Elasmobranchii). It may also be taken from the anterior tip of the upper jaw, although the lower jaw projects further. The precise limits anteriorly and posteriorly should be defined in any study.
頭長 頭部的直線測量取自了上嘴唇到的前面鰓蓋的膜狀後端,也是從頭部的最前面的點到鰓蓋的多骨或肉質邊緣(在真骨魚),到第一對鰓裂(在圓口類與板鰓亞綱)。它也可能被取自上頜的前端,雖然下頜較突出的。精確的限制前面與後部應該任何的研究中被定義。