名詞 定義
heterocercal Caudal fin shape with unequal lobes, the upper lobe being larger than the lower. Having the vertebral column extend up into larger lobe of caudal fin; typically found in sturgeons and many sharks, also the type of tail fin in which the vertebral column turns upwards into the upper lobe, which is longer than the lower. Asymmetrical externally as well as internally, e.g. Elasmobranchii, Acipenseridae, Polydontidae and in many larval Teleostomi. May also be used for an asymmetrical caudal fin but with epicercal defining upper lobe longer and hypocercal the lower lobe longer.
歪形尾 具有不對稱葉的尾鰭形狀,上葉大於下葉。椎骨向上延伸進入尾鰭較大的葉;通常可發現於鱘魚與許多鯊魚,也就是椎骨向上的進入上葉,上葉長度超過下葉的尾形。不對稱包括外部以及內部,例如板鰓亞綱,鱘科,匙吻鱘與許多真骨魚的幼魚。可能也被用來指一個不對稱的尾鰭,上葉比較長的定義為上葉形與下葉比較長的定義為下葉形。