Bathyuroconger vicinus(380720)相關文獻 共 3 筆
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編號 作者 標題 關連魚種
05155 Eugenia B. Bohlke, ed. 1989 Fishes of the western north Atlantic-Part nine-Volume one: orders Anguilliformes and Saccopharyngiformes-volume two: Leptocephali-volume two: Leptocephali. 380713;380815... 
08164 Böhlke, J. E. 1956 A synopsis of the eels of the family Xenocongridae (including the Chlopsidae and Chilorhinidae). 383454;380816... 
TH191 吳宗翰 2002 台灣北部及東北部海域底拖魚類群聚結構之研究 Community Structure of Bottom Trawl Fishes in the Coastal Waters of Northern and North-eastern Taiwan 383098;383100... 

