魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
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編號 作者 標題 出版處
TH213 馮欣蓉 2002 核二廠溫排水對附近水域魚類之群聚結構,食性及死亡率之影響 Effect of thermal seawater discharges on the community structure, diet and mortality of fishes in the waters around the Second Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan 國立台灣海洋大學海洋生物研究所 
TH309 駱欣梅 2008 建構國小資訊融入教學之創意查詢學習平台-以基隆市常見海洋動物數位典藏為例 To develop creative learning platform based on information technology integrated teaching instructions-taking a digital archive of keelung's common animal as an example (初稿)  國立台灣大學環境生物與漁業科學學系碩士學位論文  
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TH064 高翠萍 1992 臺灣產主要鮆科魚類(日本鰶.異葉銀帶鰶.布氏銀帶鰶)種間關係之研究 Intra- and inter-specific relationship of three kinds of anchovies (Engraulis japonica, Encrasicholina heteroloba and Encrasicholina punctifer) from coastal waters of Taiwan 國立臺灣大學漁業科學研究所 
B1124-01 魚礁総合研究会 1976 人工魚礁の理論と実際(1) - 基礎篇. 魚礁総合研究会,日本水産資源保護協会. 
B1124-02 魚礁総合研究会 1976 人工魚礁の理論と実際(2) - 実際篇. 魚礁総合研究会,日本水産資源保護協会. 
B4273 魚雜誌 2004 孔雀魚飼育圖鑑1 魚雜誌 
B4276 魚雜誌 2004 孔雀魚飼育圖鑑II 魚雜誌 
B5798 魯中石 主編 2012 魚: 全世界300種魚的彩色圖鑑 北京: 中國華僑出版社 
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06950 鹽原美敞,田中洋一 1995 Reproductive behavior, development of eggs and larvae of the gobiid fish, Valenciennea blla, reared in the aquarium. 東海大學紀要海洋學部. 
06944 鹽原美敞,鈴木克美,田中洋一 1990 Life history of the hairychin goby, Sagamia geneionema, from the coast of Suruga Bay. 東海大學紀要海洋學部. 
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06961 鹽垣優 1981 Notes on the Life History of the Stichaeid Fish Opisthocentrus tenuis. 魚類學雜誌. 
06876 鹽垣優, 道津喜衛 1971 The life histury of the clingfish, conidens laticephalus. 魚類學雜誌. 
06891 鹽垣優, 道津喜衛 1972 The Life History of the Blenniid Fish, Neoclinus bryope. 長崎大學水產學部研究報告.