魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
             1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170   第1163/1193頁  每頁 筆       
編號 作者 標題 出版處
Lost4054 Gibbs, Jr., R.H.; Morrow, J.E. 1973 Astronesthidae.  
Lost4055 Gibert, S.G. 1973 Pictorial Anotomy of the Dogfish.  
Lost4056 Gilbert, C.R. 1971 Two new Atlantic Clinid fishes of the genus Starksia.  
Lost4057 Gudger, E.W.  The fourth florida whale shark, Rhineodon typus & the american museum model based on it.  
Lost4058 Guiasu, R.C.; Winterbottom, R. 1993 Osteological evidence for the phylogeny of recent genera of surgeonfishes (Percomonpha, Acanthuridae).  
Lost4059 Gunther, A.  Report of a second collection of fishes made at St. Helena.  
Lost4060 Hardenberg 1932 Key to the species of stolephorus.  
Lost4061 Heemstra, P. C.; M. M. Smith 1986 Family No. 85: Alepisauridae, Family No. 244: Zanclidae. Smiths' Sea Fishes. . 
Lost4062 Hensley, D.A. 1989 A redescription of Pseudorhombus megalops, with comments on Cephalopsetta ventrocellata (Osteichthyes: Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae).  
Lost4063 Hensley, D.A. 1991 Myxine mcmillance, a new species of Hagfish (Myxinidae) from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  
Lost4064 Hensley, D. A.; J. E. Randall 1990 A redescription of Engyprosopon macrolepis (Teleostei: Bothidae). . Copeia. 
Lost4065 Hensley, D.A.; Suzumoto, A.Y. 1990 Bothids of easter island, with the description of a new species of engyprosopon.  
Lost4066 Hiyama, Y.; Kusaka, T. 1950 Effect of electric current on fish, regarding direction, intersity, frequency and type of the current.  
Lost4067 Holcik, J. 1991 The Eurasian Huchen, Hucho hucho, Largest Salmon of the World.  
Lost4068 Hollard, P.H. 1856 Monographie de la Familie des Ostracionides. Travail Presente a I' Academia des Sciences dans sa seance du 27 octobre 1856.  
Lost4069 Holt, S.J.; etc.  A Standard Terminology and Notation for Fishery Dynamics.