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編號 作者 標題 出版處
10125 G. S. Myers and H. W. Fowler 1929 A Journal of Cold-Blooded Vertebrates. Copeia. 
21030 Francis Buchanan 1807 A Journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. Vol. II. The East India Company. 
21031 Francis Buchanan 1807 A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. Vol. III. The East India Company. 
10292 Carl L. Hubbs 1955 A juvenile Gadid fish from the Ladrador Sea Representing a Species of Gaidropsarus apparently New for North America. Copeia. 
01333 Hubbs, C.L. 1955 A Juvenile Gadid Fish from the Ladrador Sea Representing a Species of [Gaidropsarus] Apparently New for North America. Copeia. 
10525 Izumi Nakamura and John R. Paxton 1977 A juvenile Gempylid fish, Nealotus tripes, from Eastern Australia. Australian Zoologist. 
10527 Izumi Nakamura and John R. Paxton 1977 A juvenile Gempylid fish, Nealotus tripes, from Eastern Australia. Australian Zoologist. 
11454 R. M. MCDOWALL 1969 A Juvenile of Aplochiton Jenyns. Copeia. 
Lost1922 Miller, B.; Greenfield, D.W. 1965 A Juvenile Six-Gilled Shark ([Hexanchus corinus]) from the San Juan Islands, Washington. Jour. Fish. Resea. Board of Canada. 
00839 Arai, R.; Suzuki, A.; Akai, Y. 1988 A Karyotype of a Chinese Bitterling, Paracheilognathus himantegus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. A. 
11961 J. T. Nichols and C. M. Breder, JR. 1930 A Key to Atlantic Species of the Genus Cypselurus, with a New Flying-Fish from the Cleveland Museum's 'Blossom' Expedition. American Museum Novitates. 
10943 H. T. Bilton, D. W. Jenkinson and M. P. Shepard 1964 A key to five species of pacific salmon (Genus oncorhynchus) based on scale characters. Journal fisheries research board of Canada. 
06551 Clotheir, Charles. R. 1950 A Key to Some Southern California Fishes Based on Vertebral Characters. Fish Bulletin. 
Lost1492 Clothier, C.R. 1950 A Key to Some Southern California fishes Based on Vertebral Charcters. Fish Bulletin, Dep. of Natural Resources, Div. of Fish and Game. 
10547 Nichols, J. T. and C. M. Breder, Jr.  1930 A key to the Atlantic species of the genus Cypselurus, with a new flying-fish from the Cleveland Museum's `Blossom' expedition. American Museum Novitates. 
10460 Richard H. Rosenblatt John E. McCosker  1970 A key to the Genera of the Ophichthid Eels, with Descriptions of Two New Genera and Three New Species from the Eastern Pacific. Pacific Science .