魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
             1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190   第1185/1193頁  每頁 筆       
編號 作者 標題 出版處
06479 Montalban, H. R.; Blanco, G. J.; Ronquillo, I. A.  Philippine Fishes. Popular Bulletin. 
01999   Synaptura Cantor.  
06541 Kanai, Fukuko; Nomura, Seizi; Yokota, Takio; Toriyama, Masahiro  Studies on the Feeding Habit of Fishes. Nankai Regional Fishereis Research Laboratory. 
06607 Snyder, Darrel E.  Fish Eggs and Larvae.  
06663   The Global Imperative.  
06649 Rosenblatt, Richard H.  The Osteology of the Congrid Eel Gorgasia punctata and the Relationships of the Heterocongrinae.  
06648   Families Muraenidae, Ophichthidae, and Congridae Eels.  
06646 Rosenblatt, Richard H.  The Osteology of the Congrid Eel Gorgasia punctata and the Relationships of the Heterocongrinae.  
06645 Gosline, W.A; Strasburg, D.W.  The Hawaiian Fishes of the Family Moringuidae: Another Eel Problem. Hawaii Marine Laboratory. 
06639   Family Orectolobidae (Wobbegongs and Catsharks), Family Congridae (Conger Eels).  
06637 Cowan, Garry I. McT.; Rosenblatt, Richard H.  Taenioconger canabus, a New Heterocongrin Eel (Pisces: Congridae) from Baja California, with a Comparison of a Closely Related Species.  
B3981 Hoelzel, A Rus  Marine Mammal Biology (An Evolutionary Approach).  
B3992 Peter Cole  The Art of GOLDFISH KEEPING. BLANDFORD. 
B3993 Blitz Editions  A FIELD GUIDE IN COLOUR TO FRESHWATER FISH. Aventinum Publishing House ,Prague. 
B3996 Fiona R.Gell and Callum M.Roberts  The fishery effects of marine reserves and fishery closures. 8 World Wildlife Fund, Washington, DC. 
B3997 邵廣昭  發展具國際競爭力養殖產業--發展觀賞魚產業 行政院農委會漁業署