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編號 作者 標題 出版處
07686 Alcock, A. W. 1894 Natural history notes from H. M. Indian marine survey steamer Investigator, Commander C. F. Oldham, R. N.,Commanding Series II., No. 11. An account of a recent collection of bathybial fishes from the Bay of Bengal and from the Laccadive Sea. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal . 
07687 Alcock, A. W. 1891 Class Pisces. In: II.--Natural history notes from H. M. Indian marine survey steamer Investigator, Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R. N., commanding.--Series II., No. 1. On the results of deep-sea dredging during the season 1890-91. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6). 
07688 Alcock, A. W. 1889 Natural history notes from H. M. Indian marine survey steamer Investigator, Commander Alfred Carpenter, R. N., D. S. O., commanding.--No. 13. On the bathybial fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-1889. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6). 
09514 Alcock, A. W. 1889 Natural history notes from H. M. Indian marine survey steamer Investigator, Commander Alfred Carpenter, R. N., D. S. O., commanding. No. 13. On the bathybial fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-1889. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6). 
20034 Alcock, A. W. 1892 Natural History Notes from H. M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer Investigator, Lieut. G. S. Gunn, R. N., commanding. Series II, No. 5. On the bathybial fishes collected during the season of 1891-92. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6). 
Lost4002 Alcock, A.  Supplementary list of indian fishes.  
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05380 Alcock, A. 1889 Natural history notes from H. M. Indian marine survey steamer Investigator, Commander Alfred Carpenter, R. N., D. S. O., commanding.--No. 13. On the bathybial fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-1889. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6). 
13262 Albrecht, A. B. 1964 Some observations on factors associated with survival of striped bass eggs and larvae. California Fish and Game. 
Lost1669 Albertson, R.D.; Schultz, F. 1968 Fishes of Little Wall Lake, 1967. Iowa Academy of Science. 
13261 Albertson, R. D. and Schultz, F. 1968 Fishes of Little Wall Lake, 1967. The proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. 
11516 Alberton L. McLain, Bernard R. Smith, and Harry H. Moore 1965 Experimental Control of Sea Lampreys with Electricity on the South Shore of Lake Superior, 1953-60. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Technical Report. 
11515 Alberton L. McLain 1957 The Control of the Upstream Movement of Fish with Pulsated Direct Current. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 
11867 Alberto Nani 1950 Nota preliminar sobre la biologia de la lamprea argentina (Geotria australis) Gray. Primer Congreso Nacional de PRSQUERIAS MARITIMAS E Industrias Derivadas. 
11868 Alberto Nani 1950 Una nueva subespecie de (Surel) - Trachurus picturatus australis (Pisc. Fam. Carangidae). Primer Congreso Nacional de PRSQUERIAS MARITIMAS E Industrias Derivadas. 
02420 Albert, J.S.; Miller, R.R. 1995 Gymnotus maculosus, a New Species of Electric Fish (Chordata: Teleostei: Gymnotoidei) from Middle America, with a Key to Species of Gymnotus. Proc. of the Biol. Soc. of Washington.