魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
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編號 作者 標題 出版處
B2021  1994 ISLAND AGENDA - An overview of s work on island environments, territories and societies. Unesco. 
B2031  1992 Third Pacific Rim Biotechnology Conference (Program & Abstracts). 財團法人生物技術開發中心等. 
B2043   Taiwan in pursuit of sustainable development.  
B2046  1994 Facing the Global Environment Challenge: A progress report on world bank global environment operations. The World Bank. 
B2095  1987 NEWS LETTER OF SYSTEMATIC ICHTHYOLOGY Number Nine-Fifteen. Dep. of Ich. Cali. Acad.of Sci. Golden Gate Park. 
B2096  1980 NEWSLETTER OF SYSTEMATIC ICHTHYOLOGY Number Two-Eight. Dep. of Ich. Cali. Acad.of Sci. Golden Gate Park. 
B2122  1995 魚類學雜誌. 日本魚類學會. 
B2126  1964 Catalogue of African fresh-water fishes. WHELDON & WESLEY, LTD AND HAFNER PUBLISHING CO. 
B2129  1988 DRAFT FINAL REPORT - Thermal Diffusion/Water Quality Simulation and Assessment of the Induced Impacts on Marine Ecology for Suao Coal-Fired Thermal Power Project.  
B2163-01  1979 Constitution de collections de reference sur la biologie marine dans les pays arabes mediterraneens. UNESCO. 
B2163-07  1983 Coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves: Their interaction in the coastal zones of the Caribbean. UNESCO. 
B2163-04  1981 Marine and coastal processes in the Pacific: ecological aspects of coastal zone management. UNESCO. 
B2163-08  1983 Guidelines for marine biological reference collections. UNESCO. 
B2163-15  1986 Les lagunes cotieres de la Mediterranee du Sud (Algerie, Egypte, Libye, Maroc, Tunisie) Description et bibliographie. UNESCO. 
B2163-16  1986 Development of marine sciences in Arab Universities. UNESCO. 
B2181  1992 Multilingual dictionary of fishing gear. Fishing News Books Ltd.