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編號 作者 標題 出版處
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00825 Shao, K. T.; K. H. Chang; S. C. Lee 1978 Electrophoretic studies of myogens for identification of Trichiurus lepturus and T. japonicus (Pisces: Trichiuridae). Stud. & Essays in Cimmemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Acad. Sin. 
00824 Randall, J. E.; W. Klausewitz 1986 New records of the Serranid Fish Epinephelus radiatus from the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman. Senckenb. Marit. 
00823 Mizuno, S.; Tominaga, Y. 1980 First record of the scorpaenoid fish Caracanthus unipinna from Japan, with comments on the charactets of the genus. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. 
00822 Dooley, J.K.; Kailola, P.J. 1988 Four new tilefishes from the northeastern Indian Ocean, with a review of the genus Branchiostegus. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. 
00821 Chen, J. P.; K. T. Shao; L. T. Ho; L. S. Chen; P. H. Kao; Y. Y. Wu 陳正平, 邵廣昭, 何林泰, 陳麗淑, 高炳華, 吳瑩月 1992 Fish Fauna and Their Geographical Distribution in the Coastal Waters Around Hsiao-Liu-Chiu, Southwestern Taiwan 小琉球沿岸之魚類相及其地理分佈. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 
00820 Sunobe, T.; Shimada, K. 1989 First record of the gobiid fish, Eviota albolineata, from Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. 
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00817 Sano, M. 1988 First record of the labrid fish Halichoeres richmondi from Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. 
00816 Chang, K.H.; Jan, R.Q.; Hua, C.S. 1981 Scientific note inshore fishes at Tai-Pin Island (South China Sea). Bull. Inst. Zool., Academia Sinica.