魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
             1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180   第1176/1193頁  每頁 筆       
編號 作者 標題 出版處
03360 楊家駒  西沙群島的魚類及其資源  
03372 楊家駒  西沙群島珊瑚礁魚類區系和生態的初步調查  
04326 楊鴻嘉  南沙群島魚類之研究  
04079   Fishes of South Australia.  
03375  1995 The role of shelf-oceanic shoal reef interactions in maintaining the biodiversity and fisheries of the South China Sea.  
02967   XCIV. Inimicus japonicus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) (Scorpaenidae).  
04188   河北習見魚類圖說  
04716 Hui, S. T. and S. M. Huo  Historical Overview of the R&D of Oceanographic Instruments and Equipment in China.  
04945 彭國棟 1999 世界自然保育聯盟物種瀕危等級 IUCN Red List Categories.  
04946 Satapoomin, U. 1994 Fish aggregation at the artificial reefs, in Ranong Province, Thailand. The effect of artificial reef installation on the biosocioeconomics of small-scale fisheries in Ranong Province, Thailand.  
05104 Shepard, J. W. and K. A. Meyer  New records of labrid fishes from Japan.  
05105 Yasuda, F.  List of the coral fishes in the Okinawa Miyako and Yaeyama Islands.  
05115 Tsuji, F. I.  Bioluminescent Systems in Apogonid Fishes from Taiwan. A Research Proposal Submitted to NSF.  
05135 Chen, C. A.; D. M. Odorico; M. T. Lohuis; J. E. N. Veron; D. J. Miller, 1994 Molecular phylogeny of the Anthozoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) using the 5'-end of the 28S rDNA.  
05160 Brett, J.R. 1970 Temperature-Fishes.  
05179 Fricke, R. and 伍漢霖  中國魚銜科Callionymidae魚類的研究 Revision of the Chinese species of dragonet family Callionymidae (teleostei).