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編號 作者 標題 出版處
09306 Allen, G. R. and J. E. Randall 2005 Exyrias akihito, a new species of coral-reef goby (Gobiidae) from the western Pacific.  
09644 Schaaf-Da Silva, J. A. and D. A. Ebert 2006 Etmoperus burgessi sp. nov., a new species of lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from Taiwan. Zootaxa. 
12521 Howell, W. M. and G. Dingerkus 1978 Etheostoma neopterum, a new percid fish from the Tennessee River system in Alabama and Tennessee. Bull. Alabama Mus. Nat. Hist. 
09618 Møller, P. R. and W. J. Jones 2007 Eptatretus strickrotti n. sp. (Myxinidae): first hagfish captured from a hydrothermal vent. Biol. Bull. 
13310 Amaoka, K. and J. E. Randall 1990 Epinephelus suborbitalis, a new species of grouper (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Kyushu-Palau Ridge, western Pacific. J. L. B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. Spec. Publ. 
09573 Ida, H., M. Okamoto and and J. Sakaue 2007 Epigonus cavaticus (Teleostei: Perciformes), a new epigonid fish from Palau, western central Pacific. Ichthyological Research. 
09696 Iwata, A., S. Hosoya and and Y. Niimura 1998 Echinogobius hayashii, a new genus and species of Gobiidae. Ichth. Research. 
09304 Allen, G. R. and R. H. Kuiter 2004 Dunckerocampus naia, a new species of pipefish (Pisces: Syngnathidae) from the western Pacific.  
09231 Randall, J. E. 2006 Dactylanthias baccheti, a new species of anthiine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Tuamotu Archipelago. Aqua. 
12301 Haedrich, R. L. 1965 Cubiceps athenae, a new nomeid fish from the western North Atlantic Ocean, and its systematic position among stromateoids. Copeia. 
20125 Hoshino, K. 2000 Citharoides orbitalis, a new sinistral citharid flounder from Western Australia (Pleuronectoidei, Pleuronectiformes). Ichth. Research. 
09289 Allen, G. R. and M. V. Erdmann 2006 Cirrhilabrus cenderawasih, a new wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from Papua Indonesia.  
09284 Allen, G. R. 2006 Cirrhilabrus brunneus, a new wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from north-eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia.  
09747 Zhang, C.-G., P. Musikasinthorn and and K. Watanabe 2002 Channa nox, a new channid fish lacking a pelvic fin from Guangxi, China. Ichth. Research. 
09309 Allen, G. R. and R. C. Steene 2004 Chaetodontoplus vanderloosi, a new species of angelfish (Pomacanthidae) from Papua New Guinea.  
09310 Allen, G. R., F. Young and and P. L. Colin 2006 Centropyge abei, a new species of deep-dwelling angelfish (Pomacanthidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia.