魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
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編號 作者 標題 出版處
07444 Alcock, A. W. 1898 Natural history notes from H. M. Indian marine survey ship Investigator, Commander T. H. Heming, R. N., commanding.--Series II., No. 25. A note on the deep-sea fishes, with descriptions of some new genera and species, …. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 
08067 Jordan, D. S.  1898 Description of a species of fish (Mitsukurina owstoni) from Japan, the type of a distinct family of lamnoid sharks. . Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. . 
11055 G. A. Boulenger  1898 A list of reptiles, batrachians, and fishes collected by Cav. Guido Boggiani in the Northern Chaco. Estratto dagli Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Serie 2.a. 
12132 R. C. Osburn and E. B. Williamson 1898 A List of the Fishes of Franklin County, Ohio, with a Description of a New Species of Etheostoma. Proc. Ohis. Ac. Sci. 
20020 A. Alcock, M. B., C.M.Z.S and A. R. S. Anderson, B. A. , M. B. 1898 Illustrations of the Zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator, Under the Command of Commander T. H. Heming, R. N. . Illust. Investigator. 
20929 Günther, A. 1898 Report on a Collection of Fishes from Newchwang, North China. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 7. 
07587 Gilbert, C. H. and F. Cramer 1897 Report on the fishes dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions and figures of twenty-three new species. . Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. . 
11339 Tarleton H. Bean 1897 Notes upon New York Fishes Received at the New York Aquarium. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 
11340 Tarleton H. Bean, Barton A. Bean 1897 Description of A New Blenny-like Fish of the Genus Opisthocentrus, Collected in Vulcano Bay, Port Morusan, Japan, By Nicolai A. Grebnitski. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
11674 H. F. Moore, Ph. D.  1897 Observations Upon The Herring and Herring Fishereies of the Northeast Coast, With Special Reference to the Vicinity of Passamaquoddy bay. U. S. Commission Of Fish And Fisheries (Extracted from U.s. Fish Commission Report for 1896). 
11811 B. F. Kingsbury 1897 The Structure and Morphlogy of the Oblongata in Fishes. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 
11812 B. F. Kingsbury 1897 The Encephalic Evaginations in Ganoids. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 
11869 Dr. H. V. Neal 1897 The Development of the Hypoglossus Musculature in Petromyzon and Squalus. Anatomischer Anzeiger. 
12369 S. Hatta 1897 Contributions to the Morphology of Cyclostomata. I. On the formation of the heart in Petromyzon. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University. 
12638 Rutter, C. M. 1897 A collection of fishes obtained in Swatow, China, by Miss Adele M. Fielde. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 
Lost2688 Bean, T.H.; Bean, B.A. 1896 Notes on Fishes Collected in Kamchatka and Japan by Leonhard Stejneger and Nicolai A. Grebnitski, with a Description of a New Blenny. Proceedings of the United States National Museum.