魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
             1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170   第1165/1193頁  每頁 筆       
編號 作者 標題 出版處
08139 Pallas, P. S.  1769 Spicilegia Zoologica quibus novae imprimis et obscurae animalium species iconibus, descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur. Berolini, Gottl. August. Lange. Spicilegia Zool. v. 1 (fasc. 7): 1-42, Pls. 1-6. . 
06176  1758 Flying Gurnards (Dactylopteridae).  
06850 Chelmo rostratus 1758 Chelmo rostratus and F. longirosdris. Chelmo rostratus and F. longirosdris. 
00088 Shao, Kwang-Tsao Numerical Taxonimic Studies on Damselfishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae) - I. The Species and Distribution of Damselfishes in Taiwan 雀鯛科魚類數值分類學之研究-I.台灣產雀鯛科魚類之種類及其分佈. 國立中山大學學報. 
11909 E. Ross Allen and Wilfred T. Neill Juveniles of the Tortoise Gopherus Polyphemus. Copeia. 
07681 Munroe, T. A.  200 Families Soleidae, Cynoglossidae. FAO Spec. Ident. Guide . 
07600 Russell, B. C.  1991 Description of a new species of Nemipterus (Pisces: Perciformes; Nemipteridae) from the western Pacific, with re-descriptions of Nemipterus marginatus (Valenciennes), N. mesoprion (Bleeker) and N. nematopus (Bleeker). . J. Nat. Hist. 
07504 Smith, J. L. B.  1957 The fishes of Aldabra. Part VI. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 12). 
07429 Alcock, A. W.  188 commanding.--No. 13. On the bathybial fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-1889. . Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. . 
01972   Typical Perch-like Fishes: Small-Toothed Jobfish; Fusiliers, Bananafish. The Fishes of New Guinea. 
01973 De Beaufort  7. Aphareus Cuvier & Valenciennes.  
01975   鸚哥魚科 Scaridae 臺灣脊椎動物誌(中冊)第六章硬骨魚綱 
01976   鸚嘴魚屬 Scarus Forskal, 1775  
02008   Fishes of the Philippine Seas and Adjacent Waters: LETHRINUS CARINATUS Weber. Bulletin 100, United States National Museum. 
02012 荒賀忠一  蓋刺魚科 - 蝶魚科 - 電鰻科 - 射水魚科  
02026 鄭昭任  臺灣新紀錄魚類的報告 中國水產