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編號 作者 標題 出版處
06190   Publications on Fishes Living Forms 1897-1960. The American Museum of Natural History. 
06264 Gill, Theodore  On the Proper Name of the Gunnels or Butterfishes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
06263 Gill, Theodore  The Differential Characters of the Syngnathid and Hippocampid Fishes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
06262 Gill, Theodore  Notes on the Synonymy of the Torpedinidae or Narcobatidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
06261 Gill, Theodore  The Families of Synentognathous Fishes and Their Nomenclature. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
06260 Gill, Theodore  On the Application of the Name Teuthis to a Genus of Fishes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
06259 Starks, Edwin Chapin  The Osteological Characters of the Fishes of the Suborder Percesoces. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 
06368 Bean, Tarleton H.  A Catalogue of Fishes Received from the Public Museum of the Institute of Jamaica, with Descriptions of Pristipoma approximans and Tylosurus euryops, Two New Species. Proceedings of United States National Museum. 
06370 Bean, Tarleton  Description of a New Species of Whitefish (Coregonus nelsonii), from Alaska. Proceedings of United States National Museum. 
06371 Bean, Tarleton H.  Description of an Apparently New Species of Gasterosteus (G. Atkinsii) from the Schoodic Lakes, Maine. Proceedings of United States National Museum. 
06372 Goode, G. Brown; Bean, Tarleton H.  Description of Alepocephalus Bairdii, A New Species of Fish from the Deep-Sea Fauna of the Western Atlantic. Proceedings of United States National Museum. 
06386 Jordan, David Starr; Fowler, Henry W.  A Review of the Cepolidae or Band-FIshes of Japan. Proceeding U.S. National Museum. 
06151 Foster, Neal R.  Field and Aquarium Observations on Chriopeoides Pengelleyi Fowler, 1939 - The Jamaican Killifish. Department of Limnology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 
06241 Lavenberg, Robert J.; Ebeling, Alfred W.  Distribution of Midwater Fishes among Deep-Water Basins of the Southern California Shelf. LA County Museum of Natural History. 
06134 Holgersen, Holger  First Record of the Boarfish, Capros Aper, In Norway. Stavanger Museum. 
06509   Characters Separating Howella and Bathysphyraenops.