編號 |
作者 |
年 |
標題 |
出版處 |
 | 00338 | Fukuhara, O.; Fusnimi, T. | 1984 | Squamation of larval greenling Hexagrammos otakii (Pices: Hexagrammidae) reared in the laboratory. | Bull. of the Jap. Soc. of Sci. Fisheries. |  |
 | 00339 | Potthoff, T.; Richards, W.J.; Ueyanagi, S. | 1981 | Larval development of Scombrolabrax heterolepis (Pisces, Scombrolabracidae). | Rapp. P.-v. R'eun Cons. int. Explor. Mer. |  |
 | 00340 | Ni, I.H.; McKone, W.D. | 1983 | Distribution and concentration of redfishes in Newfoundland and Labrador Waters. | NAFO Sci. Council Stud. |  |
 | 00341 | Payne, R.H.; Ni, I.H. | 1982 | Biochemical population genetics of redfishes (Sebastes) off Newfoundland. | J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. |  |
 | 00342 | Berry, F.H.; Richards, W.J. | 1973 | Characters useful to the study of larval fishes. | Technical Publication of the National Maine Fisheries Service, Middle Atlan. |  |
 | 00343 | Misra, R.K.; Ni, I.H. | 1983 | Distinguishing beaked redfishes (deepwater redfish, Sebastes mentella and Labrador redfish, S. fasciatus) by discriminant analysis (with covariance) and multivariate analysis of covariance. | Canadian J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. |  |
 | 00344 | Bourgeois, C.E.; Ni, I.H. | 1984 | Metazoan parasites of Northwest Atlantic redfishes (Sebastes spp.). | Canadian J. of Zool. |  |
 | 00345 | Ni, I.H. | 1982 | Meristic variation in beaked redfishes, Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus, in the Northwest Atlantic. | Canadian J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. |  |
 | 00346 | Ni, I.H. | 1983 | Comment on meristic variation in beaked redfishes, Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus, in the Northwest Atlantic: reply. | Canadian J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. |  |
 | 00347 | Ni, I.H.; Sandeman, E.J. | 1984 | Size at maturity for Northwest Atlantic redfishes (Sebastes). | Canadian J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. |  |
 | 00348 | Kuwamura, T.; Fukao, R.; Nishida, M.; Wada, K.; Yanagisawa, Y. | 1983 | Reproductive biology of the gastropod Strombus luhuanus (Strombidae). | Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. |  |
 | 00349 | Ni, I.H. | 1981 | Numerical classification of sharp-beaked redfishes, Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus, from northeastern Grand Bank. | Canadian J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. |  |
 | 00351 | Houde, E.D. | 1974 | Effects of temperature and delayed feeding on growth and surviral of larvae of three species of subtropical marine fishes. | Marine Biology. |  |
 | 00352 | Kuwamura, T.; Fukao, R.; Nakabo, T.; Nishida, M.; Yanagisawa, T. | 1983 | Inshore fishes of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan. | Galaxea. |  |
 | 00353 | Ni, I.H. | 1984 | Meristic variation in golden redfish, Sebastes marinus, compared to beaked redfishes of the Northwest Atlantic. | J. of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Sci. |  |
 | 00354 | Matsuura, K. | 1976 | Sexual dimorphism in a triggerfish, Balistapus undulatus. | Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. |  |