編號 |
作者 |
年 |
標題 |
出版處 |
 | 00629 | Jones, G.P. | 1984 | The inllnence of habitat and behavioural interactions on the local distribution of the wrasse, Pseudolabrus celidotus. | Environmental Biology of Fishes. |  |
 | 00630 | Joubert, C.S.W. | 1981 | Aspects of the biology of five species of inshore reef fishes on the Natal coast, South Africa. | Invest. Rep. oceanogr. Res. Inst. |  |
 | 00631 | Meyer-Rochow, V.B. | 1981 | Fish tongues ─ surface fine structures and ecological considerations. | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. |  |
 | 00632 | Schoener, T.W. | 1968 | The Anolis lizards of Bimini: resource partitioning in a complex fauna. | Ecology. |  |
 | 00633 | Kuramoto, M.; Wang, C.S.; Yu, H.T. | 1984 | Breeding, larval morphology and experimental hybridization of Taiwanese brown frogs, Rana longicrus and R. sauteri. | J. of Herpetology. |  |
 | 00634 | DeMartini, E.E.; Coyer, J.A. | 1981 | Cleaning and scale-eating in juveniles of the kyphosid fishes, Hermosilla azurea and Girella nigricans. | Copeia. |  |
 | 00635 | Hobson, E.S. | 1971 | Cleaning symbiosis among California inshore fishes. | Manuscript accepted March. |  |
 | 00636 | Neighbors, M.A.; Nafpaktitis, B.G. | 1982 | Lipid compositions, water contents, swimbladder morphologies and buoyancies of nineteen species of midwater fishes (18 Myctophids and 1 Neoscopelid). | Marine Biology. |  |
 | 00637 | Olla, B.L.; Samet, C. | 1977 | Courtship and spawning behavior of the tautog, Tautoga onitis (Pisces: Labridae), under laboratory conditions. | Manuscript accepted January. |  |
 | 00638 | Mole, R.H. | 1982 | Consequences of pre-natal radiation exposure for post-natal development. A review. | Int. J. Radiat. Biol. |  |
 | 00639 | Hsieh, H. L.; C. P. Chen, ; K. H. Chang | 1976 | On thn egg development of the goby, Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (L.) (II). | J. of the Fisheries Soc. of Taiwan. |  |
 | 00641 | Kingett, P.D.; Choat, J.H. | 1981 | Analysis of density and distribution patterns in Chrysophrys auratus (Pisces: Sparidae) within a reef environment: an experimental approach. | Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. |  |
 | 00642 | Huang, R.; Boney, A.D. | 1984 | Growth interactions between littoral diatoms and juvenile marine algae. | J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. |  |
 | 00643 | Kodric-Brown, A. | 1983 | Determinants of male reproductive success in pupfish (Cyprinodon Pecosensis). | Anim. Behav. |  |
 | 00644 | Talbot, F.H. | 1981 | Ichthyological expedition to Lord Howe Island. | Nat. Geogr. Soc. |  |
 | 00646 | Akazaki, M.; Nakajima, H.; Kawahara, H.; Takamatsu, S. | 1976 | Embryonic development and metamorphosis after hatching in the sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates. | Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. |  |