編號 |
作者 |
年 |
標題 |
出版處 |
| 02528 | Greenfield, D.W.; Greenfield, T.A. | 1988 | Habitat and Resource Partitioning between Two Species of Acanthemblemaria (Pisces: Chaenopsidae), with Comments on the Chaos Hypothesis. | | |
| Lost4057 | Gudger, E.W. | | The fourth florida whale shark, Rhineodon typus & the american museum model based on it. | | |
| Lost4058 | Guiasu, R.C.; Winterbottom, R. | 1993 | Osteological evidence for the phylogeny of recent genera of surgeonfishes (Percomonpha, Acanthuridae). | | |
| 03382 | Gunther, A. | | On Carboniferous Sponges from Ayrshire, on New Fishes from Japan. | | |
| Lost4059 | Gunther, A. | | Report of a second collection of fishes made at St. Helena. | | |
| Lost4060 | Hardenberg | 1932 | Key to the species of stolephorus. | | |
| 02547 | Harmelin-Vivien, M.L. | 1977 | Ecological Distribution of Fishes on the Outer Slope of Tulear Reef (Madagascar). | | |
| 01616 | Hayashi, M.; Tamaru, H. | 1990 | Distributional record of two labrid fishes from the Uraga Channel. | | |
| Lost4062 | Hensley, D.A. | 1989 | A redescription of Pseudorhombus megalops, with comments on Cephalopsetta ventrocellata (Osteichthyes: Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae). | | |
| Lost4063 | Hensley, D.A. | 1991 | Myxine mcmillance, a new species of Hagfish (Myxinidae) from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. | | |
| Lost4065 | Hensley, D.A.; Suzumoto, A.Y. | 1990 | Bothids of easter island, with the description of a new species of engyprosopon. | | |
| Lost4066 | Hiyama, Y.; Kusaka, T. | 1950 | Effect of electric current on fish, regarding direction, intersity, frequency and type of the current. | | |
| Lost4067 | Holcik, J. | 1991 | The Eurasian Huchen, Hucho hucho, Largest Salmon of the World. | | |
| Lost4068 | Hollard, P.H. | 1856 | Monographie de la Familie des Ostracionides. Travail Presente a I' Academia des Sciences dans sa seance du 27 octobre 1856. | | |
| Lost4069 | Holt, S.J.; etc. | | A Standard Terminology and Notation for Fishery Dynamics. | | |
| 04357 | Honma, Y. 本間義治 | 1992 | Histological Observations on Some Internal Organs of the Harbor Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, Stranded on the Niigata Coast, Sea Japan. | | |