編號 |
作者 |
年 |
標題 |
出版處 |
 | Lost0040 | Randall, J. E. | 1985 | Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830), the correct name for the Indo-Pacific Damselfish previously known as C. caerulea (Cuvier, 1830) (Pisces, Pomacentridae). | Cybium. |  |
 | 01687 | Randall, J. E. | 1985 | Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830), the correct name for the Indo-Pacific damselfish previously known as C. Caerulea cuvier, 1830) (Pisces, Pomacentridae). | Cybium. |  |
 | 07193 | Bailey, R. M.; C. R. Robins; P. H. Greenwood | 1980 | Chromis Cuvier in Desmarest, 1814 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes, Pomacantridae): proposal to place on Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, and that generic names ending in - chromis be ruled to be masculine. Z.N.(S.) 2329. | Bull. Zool. Nomencl. |  |
 | Lost2891 | Allen, G. R. | 1987 | Chrysiptera sinclairi, a new species of damselfihs from the tropical western Pacific Ocean. | Rev. Fr. Aquariol. |  |
 | 05062 | Randall, J. E.; A. Kunzmann | 1998 | Cirrhilabrus adornatus, a new species of labrid fish from Sumatra. | Revue Fr. Aquariol. |  |
 | 09287 | Allen, G.R., J. Drew and P. Barber | 2008 | Cirrhilabrus beauperryi, a new wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from Melanesia. | Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 14(3):129-140. |  |
 | Lost2896 | Randall, J. E.; R. H. Kuiter | 1989 | Cirrhilabrus punctatus, a new species of labroid fish from the southwestern Pacific. | Rev. Fr. Aquariol. |  |
 | Lost2897 | Randall, J. E.; R. M. Pyle | 1989 | Cirrhilabrus scottorum, a new labrid fish from the South Pacific Ocean. | Rev. Fr. Aquariol. |  |
 | 03089 | Eschmeyer, W. N., M. Dor | 1978 | Cocotropus steinitzi, a new species of the fish family Aploactinidae (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) from the Red Sea and Andaman Islands. | Isr. J. Zool. |  |
 | 09658 | Victor, B.C. | 2007 | Coryphopterus kuna, a new goby (Perciformes: Gobiidae: Gobiinae) from the western Caribbean, with the identification of the late larval stage and an estimate of the pelagic larval duration. | Zootaxa . |  |
 | 09294 | Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann | 2008 | Corythoichthys benedetto, a new pipefish (Pisces:Syngnathidae) from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. | Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 13(3-4):121-126. |  |
 | 07264 | Robins, C. R.; H. W. Robison | 1985 | Cottus hypselurus, a new cottid fish from the Ozark Uplands, Arkansas and Missouri. | Am. Midl. Nat. |  |
 | Lost2644 | Nelson, J. S.; J. E. Randall | 1985 | Crystallodytes pauciradiatus (Perciformes), a new creediid fish species form Eastern Island. | Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. |  |
 | 06485 | Nelson, J. S.; J. E. Randall | 1985 | Crystallodytes pauciradiatus (Perciformes), a new creediid fish species from Easter Island. | Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. |  |
 | Lost0655 | Shen, S. C. | 1983 | Cynoglossid fishes (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) of Taiwan. | Bull. Ins. Zool. Aca. Sin. |  |
 | 05020 | Fang, F.; Kottelat, M. | 1999 | Danio species from notrhern Laos, with descriptions of three new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). | Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters. |  |