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編號 作者 標題 出版處
B2271   Bramidae.  
B0025 洪楚璋 等  臺灣環海經濟魚貝類與海洋生態環境之研究. 行政院衛生署環境保護局委託中研院環科會. 
B2019   魚藥 勤裕企業有限公司 
B2043   Taiwan in pursuit of sustainable development.  
B2160-01 落合 明  魚類解剖大圖鑑 - 圖版編. 綠書房. 
B2160-02 落合 明  魚類解剖大圖鑑 - 解說編. 綠書房. 
B1613   The Marine Tropical Fish Catalog. 成美堂出版. 
B1499 Hinckley, A.D.  應用生態學 Applied Ecology. 科技圖書股份有限公司. 
B1661   台灣電力公司環境保護處沿海發電廠附近海域人工魚礁投置工程發包文件  
05569 McDowell, B.  IDENTITY OF THE SMIHT OF Galaxias smithii. The Falkland Island Journal. 
05862 Westneat M. W.  Wrasses (also, hogfishes, razorfishes, corises, and tuskfishes). Suborder Labroidei Labridae. 
05839 Chernoff Barry  Phylogenetic Relationships and Reclassification of Menidiine Silverside Fishes with Emphasis on the Tribe Membradini.  
05842 Olson Everett C.; Miller Robert L.  Morphological Integration.  
05843 Chernoff Barry; Machado-Allison Antonio  Bryconops Colaroja and B. Colanegra, Two New Species from the Cuyuni and Caroni Drainages of South America (Teleostei: Characiformes).  
05741 Breder Jr. C. M.  Article III - The Fishes of the Rio Chucunaque Drainage, Eastern Panama. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. 
05742 Nichols John Treadwell  Article IV - Hynnis and Alectis in the American Museum of Natural HIstory. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History.