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編號 作者 標題 出版處
06713 ralf britz and maurice kottalat  two new spscies of gasterosteiform fishes of the genus indostomus(teleostei:indostomidae). ichthyol.explor.freshwaters. 
06720 Richard H. Goodyear and Robert H.Gibbs,Jr.  X. Systematics and Zoogeography of Stomiatid Fishes of the Astronesthes cyaneus Species Group (Family Astronesthidae), with Descriptions of Three New Species. arch. Fischereiwiss. 
06746 Christopher P. Burridge  Biogeographic history of geminate cirrhitoids with east-wast allopatric distributions across southern Australia, based on molecular data. Global Ecology & Biogegraphy. 
06745 Giuseppe Bucciarelli, Daniel Golani, Giacomo Bernardi  Genetic cryptic species as biological invaders: the case of a Lessepsian fish migrant, the hardyhead silverside Atherinomrus lacunosus. Journal of Experiment Biology and Ecology 2002. 
06744 M. Ndawson, K. D. Louie, M. Barlow, D. K. Jacobs and C. C. Swift  Comparative phylogeography of sympatric sister species, Clevelandia ios and Eucycogobius newberryi, across the California Transition Zone. Molecular Ecology. 
06742 J. M. Leis and B. M. Carson-Ewart  In situ settlement behaviour of damselfish laevae. Journal of Fish Biology. 
06740 Valerio Ketmaier, Pier Giorgio Bianco, Marima Cobolli & Elvira De Matthaeis  Genetic differentiation and biogeography in southern European populations of the genus Scardinius based on allozyme data. The norwegian Academy of Science and letters. Zoologica Scripta. 
06739 Terry J. Donaldson & Yvonne Sadovy  Threatened fishes of the world : Cheilinus undulatus Ruppell,1835. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 
06738 Terry J. Donaldson & J. Michael Fitzsimons  Prelude to biodiversity of Pacific Ocean fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 
06737 Terry J. Donaldos & Robert F. Myers  Insular freshwater fish faunas of faunas of Micronesia: patterns of species richness and similarity. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 
06736 Ronald Fricke  Tripterygiid fishes of New Caledonia, with zoogeographical remarks. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 
06735 J. M. Leis and B. M. Carson-Ewart.  The larvae of indo-pacific coastal fishes. idealibrary. 
06734 Jeffery M. Leis, Brooke M. Carson-Ewart, Douglas H. Cato  Sound detection in situ by the larvae of a coral-reef damselfish(Pomacentgidae). Marine ecology progress series mar ecol prog ser. 
06733 P. R. last, A. V. Balushkin, and J. B. Hutchins  A new Genus and species of Temperate Icefish from Sotheastern Australia. copeia, 2002(2). 
06732 Marcelo R. Brtto and Ricardo M. C. Castro  New Corydoradine Catfish(Siluriformes: Callichthyidae)from the Upper parana and Sao Francisco: the Sister Group of Brochis and Most of Corydoras species. copeia,2002. 
06731 David W. Greenfifld and Kalani Matsuura  Scorpaenodes quadrispinosus: A New Indo-Pacific Scorpionfish ( Teleostei: Scorpaenidae). copeia.