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編號 作者 標題 出版處
Lost3576 Abe, T.; Kaji, S. 1972 A record of Oreosoma atlanticim (Oreosomatidae) Zeiformes, Teleostei) from Tasman sea. UO. 
Lost3577 Abe, T.; Kobata, T. 1974 Records of the young of the Luvar, Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque-Schmaltz, from Sagami Bay. UO. 
07269 Abe, T.; M. Suzuki 1981 Notes on some fishes associated with the Antarctic Krill - II: On Xenocyttus nemotoi Abe, and again on Neopagetopsis ionah Nybelin. Antarctic Rec. 
Lost3524 Abe, T.; Minoshima, K. 1971 Observations on Some Fishes of Sagami Bay -- Part I. UO. 
Lost3579 Abe, T.; Minoshima, K.; Kobata, T. 1974 Observation on some fishes of Sagami Bay-Part III. UO. 
06274 Abe, T.; R. Arai 1968 Notes on some fishes of New Zealand and Balleny Islands. J. Tokyo Uni. Fishery. (Spec.). 
04868 Abe, T.; S. Isokawa; T. Misu; T. Kishimoto; Y. Shimma, ; H. Shimma 1968 Notes on some members of Osteodonti (Class Chondrichthyes) - I. Bull. Inst. Oceanic Res. Develop. (Tokai Univ.) . 
Lost3580 Abe, T.; Saburo, S. 1987 A record of a reversed individual of Limanda yokihamae (Gunther). UO. 
Lost1799 Abe, T.; T. Kosakei 1965 Notes on an economically important but scientifically little-known silver pomfret, Pampus echinogaster (Pampidae, Teleostei). Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 
03700 Abe, T.; Y. Haneda, 1972 Descriptions of two new species of the ponyfish genus Leiognathus from Indonesia. Sci. Rep. Yokosuka City Mus. 
06399 Abe, Tokiharu 1954 Notes on the Flying-fishes of Hachijo Island, with Nomenclatorial Remarks on the Flying-fishes of the Mainland of Japan and Hokkaido. II. Cypselurus pinnatibarbatus japonicus (with additional notes on Prognichthys agoo) (Continued from p. 202). Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 
06629 Abe, Tokiharu; H. Sugiura; T.-T. Nguyen 1979 Garden Eels from Japan. UO. 
20436 Abell, R., et al. 2008 Freshwater Ecoregions of the World: A New Map of Biogeographic Units for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation. BioScience. 
07619 Ablan, G. L. 1940 Two new Philippine gobioids. . Philipp. J. Sci. . 
13033 Able, K. W. and D. E. McAllister 1980 Revision of the snailfish genus Liparis from Arctic Canada. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquatic Sci. 
04189 Able, K.W.; McAllister, D.E. 1980 Revision of the Snailfish Genus Liparis from Arctic Canada. Bulletin, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa.