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編號 作者 標題 出版處
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Lost0022 Tominaga, Y.; Yasuda, F.  Revision of the genus chaetodontoplus (Pomacanthidae) of the world. 13th Pacific Science Congress. 
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02445 Low, J. K. Y. and L. M. Chou 1992 Distribution of Coral Reef Fish in Singapore. 3rd ASEAN Science and Technology Week Conference Proceedings, Dept of Zoology, National University of Singapore and National Science and Technology Board, Singapore. 
12757 Frank J. Schwartz 1982 Nuclear power plant effects on estuarine fish fauna of cape fear river, North California. 4th Congr. European Ichthyologists, 20-24 Sept. 1982, Hamburg, Germany. Aabstr. 274. 
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B3996 Fiona R.Gell and Callum M.Roberts  The fishery effects of marine reserves and fishery closures. 8 World Wildlife Fund, Washington, DC. 
B4595 邵廣昭 2005 全球魚類資料庫-魚庫(FiahBase)資料之中文化(2/2) 94年度行政院農委會林務局農業管理計畫 
08408 Dr. P. Bleeker Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van de banda-eilanden. ?.