魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
             21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   第21/1193頁  每頁 筆       
編號 作者 標題 出版處
B5751 李明德 編著 2011 魚類形態與生物學 廈門大學出版社 
B5749 李明德, 楊竹舫 2011 河北省魚魚類 海洋出版社 
20663 Danley, P.D. and T.D. Kocher 2011 Speciation in rapidly diverging systems: lessons from Lake Malawi. Molecular Ecology. 
20653 Konstantinidis, P. and M.P. Harris 2011 Same but Different: Ontogeny and Evolution of the Musculus adductor mandibulae in the Tetraodontiformes . Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.). 
20557 Takeuchi, H. and K. Hosoya 2011 Osteology of Ischikauia steenackeri (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) with comments on its systematic position. Ichthyol. Res. 
LOST20545 Saitoh, K.J., et al. 2011 Evidence from mitochondrial genomics supports the lower Mesozoic of South Asia as the time and place of basal divergence of cypriniform fishes (Actinopterygii: Ostariophysi). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 
LOST20453 Yang, Q., Y. Zhu, B. Xiong, and H. Liu 2011 Acheilognathus changtingensis sp. nov., a New Species of the Cyprinid Genus Acheilognathus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Southeastern China Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence. Zoological Science. 
01595 Itou, M., M. Matsunuma, H. Iwatsubo, and H. Motomura 2011 Northernmost record of a siganid fish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch, 1787), from the Kagoshima mainland, southern Kyushu, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima. 
02268 Hata, H. and H. Motomura 畑 晴陵, 本村浩之 2011 Clupeiform fishes of Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan 標本に基づく鹿児島県のニシン目魚類相. Nature of Kagoshima 鹿児島県自然愛護協会. 
02267 Ohashi, Y. and H. Motomura 大橋祐太, 本村浩之 2011 Pleuronectiform fishes of northern Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan 大隅諸島以北の鹿児島県におけるカレイ目魚類相. Nature of Kagoshima 鹿児島県自然愛護協会 . 
02185 Hiroyuki Motomura and Romain Causse 2011 A New Deepwater Scorpionfish of the Genus Scorpaenopsis (Scorpaenidae) from Wallis and Futuna Islands, Southwestern Pacific Ocean . Bulletin of Marine Science. 
02183 Matsunuma, M., M. Aizawa, Y. Sakurai, and H. Motomura 2011 Record of a lionfish, Pterois mombasae, from Yaku-shima Island, southern Japan, and notes on distributional implications of the species and P. antennata in Japan (Scorpaenidae). Nature of Kagoshima. 
02182 Iwatsubo, H., S. Dewa, Y. Sakimuki, M. Ito, K. Furuta, and H. Motomura 2011 First records of basslets, Pseudanthias parvirostris and Sacura margaritacea (Seranidae: Anthiinae), from Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima. 
02181 Hata, H., M. Ito, M. Yamada, and H. Motomura 畑 晴陵, 伊東正英, 山田守彦, 本村浩之 2011 First records of Grammatorcynus bilineatus (Perciformes: Scombridae) from Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan 鹿児島県から得られたサバ科ニジョウサバ Grammatorcynus bilineatus の記録. Nature of Kagoshima 鹿児島県自然愛護協会. 
02178 Meguro, M. and H. Motomura 目黑昌利, 本村浩之 2011 Record of Ebinania brephocephala (Scorpaeniformis: Psychrolutidae) from Nomaike, Kagoshima, southern Kyushu, Japan 鹿児島県野間池沖から得られたボウズカジカEbinania brephocephala(カサゴ目:ウラナイカジカ科)の記録. Nature of Kagoshima 鹿児島県自然愛護協会. 
04426 Motomura, H., P. Béarez, and R. Causse 2011 Review of Indo-Pacific specimens of the subfamily Scorpaeninae (Scorpaenidae), deposited in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, with description of a new species of Neomerinthe. Cybium.