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編號 作者 標題 出版處
Lost3572 Abe, T. 1987 A redescription of lagocophalus guentheri miranda ribeiro and notes on some swellfishes of lagocephalus and related genera part I. UO. 
Lost3573 Abe, T. 1972 An example of Xanthochroism in Paralichthys olivaceus (Temm. & Schl.)(Bothidae, Pleuronectiformes). UO. 
Lost3574 Abe, T. 1974 Note on some fishes collected by the fisheries research Vessel "Kaiyomaru" in the South China Sea I. UO. 
04148 Abe, T. 1975 Notes on some fishes collected by the fisheries research vessel "Kaiyomaru" in the South China Sea - II. UO (Jpn. Soc. Ichthyol.). 
03481 Abe, T. 1972 On a cyclopic embryo of the blue shark. UO. 
03480 Abe, T. 1973 The white area behind the mouth of Pseudocarcharias kamoharai (Matsubara). UO. 
13426 Abe, T. 1973 A record of Prognichthys sealei Abe from Tokyo. Uo (Jpn. Soc. Ichthyol.). 
14533 ABE, T. 1967 Records from Northern Japan of Two Females of Ceratias holboelli Each Parasitised by a Male. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. 
14531 Abe, T. 1966 Description of a new squaloid shark, Centroscyllium kamoharai, from Japan. Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 
05120 Abe, T. 1983 A record of Epinephelus flavocaeruleus (Lacepede) from the Bonin Islands. UO(Jpn. Soc. Ichthyol.) . 
06082 Abe, T. 1961 Notes on some fishes of the subfamily Braminae, with the introduction of a new genus PseudotaractesJpn. J. Ichthyol. 
06083 Abe, T. 1961 Notes on some fishes of the subfamily Braminae, with the introduction of a new genus PseudotaractesJpn. J. Ichthyol. . 
06301 Abe, T. 1953 New, rare or uncommon fishes from Japanese Waters. II. records of rare fishes of the families Diretmidae, Luvaridae and Tetragonuridae, with an appendix (Description of a New Species, Tetragonurus pacificus, from off the Solomon Islands). Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 
06303 Abe, T. 1952 Records of the "Mizu-uo-damashi" (New Japanese Name), Anotopterus pharao, and a record of the "Etchiopia", Brama raii, from near the surface of the North-Western Pacific. Jpn. J. Ichthyol. . 
06271 Abe, T. 1954 Taxonomic studies on the puffers from Japan and adjacent regions - Corrigenda and addenda. Part I. Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 
06270 Abe, T. 1960 Notes on some edible marine fishes collected between the Bonin Islands and the Mouth of Sagami Bay. II. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Jpn.