魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
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編號 作者 標題 出版處
20425 Robert Hall 2001 Cenozoic reconstructions of SE Asia and the SW Pacific: changing patterns of land and sea.  
20694 P.H. Skelton  Chaptire 4 - The Distribution of African Freshwater Fishes.  
20845 Day 1878 Fishes of India.  
20855 Axelrod, H.R. 1976 Rasbora brittani, a new species of cyprinid fish from the Malay Peninsula.  
20857 Gunther, A. 1880 Report on the shore fishes procured during the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. in the years 1873-1876.  
20878   Physostomi. Family, V - Cyprinidae.  
20886   Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries.  
20887 Ahlander, E. and S. Wejland 1987 Kerala Expedition 1987 - Informal report.  
21066 Day, J.H., S.J.M. Blaber, and J.H. Wallace 1981 Estuarine ecology: with particular reference to southern Africa.  
02009   Scombropidae.  
B5978   韓國的淡水魚圖鑑.  
B6117 Kim, Jin-Koo and Jung-Hwa Ryu 2016 Distribution Map of Sea Fishes in Korea  
B1425  1991 International Symposium on Reproductive Biology in Aquaculture. 
10796 E. Grace White 1936 Some transitional elasmobranchs connecting the catuloidea with the carcharinoidea.  American museum novitates. 
08128 Steindachner, F.  1903 Über einige neue Fisch- und Reptilienarten des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums.  Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien v. 40 (no. 3): 17-18. [Species date to this abstract of main work (Steindachner 1903 [ref. 4240]).] . 
07609 Arai, R. 1969 A new iniomous fish of the genus Neoscopelus from Suruga Bay, Japan.  Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. (Tokyo).