名詞 定義 
occiput Back of head or skull; the region of the head above the cranium and posterior to the eye. The occiput is sometimes used, in a more limited sense, as the line on the dorsum marking the posterior limit of the skull. In fish, dorsolateral region of head. In bony fishes, often marked by a line separating scaly and scaleless portions of skin.  
後腦部 頭部或腦殼的後面;在頭蓋上方眼後面的頭部區域。枕骨部有時被使用於一個有許多限制的意義,如在腦殼背面界線所標記的線。魚類用詞,指的是頭部的背側區域。硬骨魚類用詞,時常用於標記皮膚的有鱗區與無鱗區的一條線。 