名詞 定義 
palate The roof of the mouth; may be used to include the bones of the roof of the mouth, especially the vomer, palatine, pterygoid, ectopterygoid and parasphenoid; may include also the maxilla and premaxilla, as well as any braincase elements which are exposed on the roof of the mouth. 
上腭 (顎) 嘴巴的頂部;可能習慣上包括嘴巴頂部的硬骨,尤其鋤骨、腭骨、翼骨、外翼骨與副蝶骨;可能也包括頜骨與前頜骨,以及任何在嘴巴頂部上暴露出來的腦殼部份。 