名詞 定義 
palatine A paired lateral bone on the roof of the mouth lying between the vomer and the upper jaw; the presence or absence of teeth on this bone is important in the classification of fishes; the elongate bone on each side of the palate. Properly called the autopalatine since it has a double nature, being covered ventrally by the dermal dermopalatine, which is often dentigerous. The palatine is cartilaginous in Lepisosteus and in Amia the dermopalatine is independent, not fused to the autopalatine. 
腭骨 在嘴巴頂部,位於鋤骨與上頜之間的一對側部硬骨;在其上有或無牙齒在硬骨魚的分類上很重要;在上腭兩邊上細長的硬骨。適當地被稱為「同源腭骨」,即它有兩個天生的、真皮的真皮腭骨覆蓋於腹側,且時常是有齒的。 雀鱔和弓鰭魚的顎骨是軟骨質的,真皮腭骨是獨立的,並不融合於 同源腭骨。 