名詞 定義 
pelagic Living and feeding in the open sea; associated with the surface or middle depths of a body of water; free swimming in the seas, oceans or open waters; not in association with the bottom. Many pelagic fish feed on plankton. In FishBase, referring to surface or mid water from 0 to 200 m depth.  
浮游性的 生活而且覓食於開放海域的;與表層或中層深度的水體相關連的;在海、大洋或開放性水域中自由游泳的;與底部無關連的。許多浮游性的魚是吃浮游生物的。在魚庫裡指的是從 0 到 200 公尺深的表層或中層的水域。 