名詞 定義 
scute An external shield-like bony plate or an enlarged scale; a modified, thickened scale that often is keeled or spiny; projecting, modified (rough and strongly ridged) scales in some fish, usually associated with the lateral line, or at the side in the tail region, or along the ventral profile; e.g. bony plates along the body of Acipenseridae, sharp-edged midventral scales of Clupeidae. 
稜鯪 一種外部像盾甲般的骨板或一種增大的鱗片;一種厚的變異鱗,時常是脊狀的或刺狀的;存在於某些魚類中,是一種突出的變異鱗 (粗糙且有強烈脊狀的),通常是伴隨著側線、或在尾部的側邊、或沿著腹部輪廓;例如:鱘科沿著身體的骨質板、鯡科具銳利邊緣的腹中鱗。 