名詞 定義 
skull The cartilages and bones associated with the brain, sense organs (smell, sight, hearing), mouth, jaws and gills, collectively the syncranium. The parts associated with protection and support for the brain and sense organs are called the neurocranium and dermocranium and the parts supporting the anterior digestive system and the respiratory apparatus are called the splanchnocranium or viscerocranium. Cartilage elements in the skull are called the chondrocranium and bony elements the osteocranium.  
顱骨 由腦、感覺器官 (味覺、視覺、聽覺) 、口、頜部和鰓、共同的合顱所結合的軟骨與硬骨部份。保護與支撐腦和感覺器官的部份組成被稱為腦顱與皮顱;支撐前部消化系統和呼吸器官的被稱為咽顱或臟顱。顱骨的軟骨成分被稱為軟骨性顱,而硬骨的成分被稱為骨顱。 