名詞 定義 
sonar An acronym derived from the expression 'sound navigation' and ranging; the method or the equipment for determining by underwater sound techniques the presence, location, or nature of objects in the sea; a system for determining distance of an underwater object by measuring the interval of time between transmission of an underwater sonic or ultrasonic signal and return of its echo.  
聲納 衍生自辭句 '聲音航行' 和範圍的一個縮略語;藉著水中聲音技術讓海洋中的目標現形、地點或性質定位的方法或儀器;一種系統,是藉由測量在水中的音波或超聲波信號的傳輸與回聲往返之間的時間間隔來定位在水中目標的距離。 