名詞 定義 
spent fish Male or female fish after spawning, where the gonads have released their sperm or eggs; in many species the fat content and general condition of the fish is poor and they may die or take some time to regain commercial quality (e.g., salmon, trout). Most fish caught on spawning migrations are caught before they are spent.  
耗費後的魚 繁殖進行之後的雄魚或雌魚,其生殖腺已釋放出精液或卵;在許多魚種裡,繁殖過後的魚脂肪含量與身體狀況是不好的,牠們可能會死亡,或需要花一些時間才能回復其商業特質(例如,鮭魚、鱒魚類)。 大多數的魚在牠們耗費之前,已在繁殖洄游路線上被捕捉。 