名詞 定義 
type locality According to the Code, the geographical place of capture or collection of the name-bearing type of a nominal species or subspecies. If the name-bearing type was captured or collected after being transported by boat, vehicle, aircraft, or other human or mechanical means, the type locality is the place from which it, or its wild progenitor, began its unnatural journey. The population occurring at type locality is the topotypical population and specimens collected at type locality are topotypes. 
模式標本產地 根據命名法規,抓取定名種或亞種的具名模式標本的收集地理地點。如果具名模式標本在被船隻,車輛或飛機或其他的人類或者機械的方法傳送之後取得,模式標本產地是從它或它的野生祖先開始了它非自然旅程的起點。出現在模式標本產地的族群是產地模式標本族群,而且標本採集自模式標本產地是同產地模式標本。 