名詞 定義 
vertebral counts Number of bones in the backbone is a feature - like the number of rays in fins - used to classify fish species. Usually all the vertebrae are counted. If sutures are present in the urostyle, the indicated elements are counted. When sutures are absent the urostyle (if present) is usually counted as one vertebra. Vertebral counts may be separated into abdominal (precaudal or prehaemal) and caudal (haemal) vertebrae. The first caudal vertebra has a definite haemal spine and is the first vertebra to enclose the caudal vein (although there may be complete haemal arches not enclosing the caudal vein). In some older works the vertebral count is given as a fraction, the abdominal vertebrae forming the numerator, the caudal the denominator. In Ostariophysi (Cypriniformes and Siluriformes) the vertebrae in the Weberian apparatus are included. Some authors also count prethoracic vertebrae separately.  
脊椎骨數 如同鰭條數目,脊椎骨的數目可用作魚種分類依據。通常所有的脊椎骨都計入。如果融合在尾桿骨出現,被指出的要素會被計算。當無融合的時候,尾桿骨(如果有的話)通常是當成一個脊椎骨計算。脊椎骨數可能是分成腹部的(尾前椎或前血管椎)與尾部的(血管椎)脊椎骨。第一個尾部的脊椎骨有一個明確的脈棘而且是第一個脊椎骨圍住尾鰭靜脈(雖然那裡可能是完整的脈弓不圍住尾鰭靜脈)。更早期時,脊椎骨的計數是以分數表示,尾鰭是分子,腹部的脊椎骨則是分母。在骨鰾總目(鯉目與鯰目)韋伯氏器的脊椎骨亦含入計算。一些人也會分開計算胸前的脊椎骨。 