名詞 定義 
caudal peduncle The narrow part of the body between the posterior ends of the dorsal and anal fins and the base of the caudal fin, also: the wrist-like portion of the posterior part of the body between the end of the anal fin and the base of the caudal fin. Its length is measured between the insertion of the anal fin and the caudal flexure (the fold shown by the hind edge of the hypural plates when the caudal fin is flexed). Depth is measured vertically at the narrowest point. 
尾柄 在背鰭,臀鰭與尾鰭基底後端之間,身體狹窄的部份。 尾柄長度指臀鰭嵌入處與尾鰭屈曲之間的距離。 