名詞 定義 
Caviar Sturgeon eggs very carefully detached from the roe, sorted and washed in cold water, then salted with fine salt; after a certain time of ripening consumed as hors d'oeuvre. Marketed in small containers of glass or other material, with tight fitting lids, or in barrels for bulk shipment. Beluga caviar refers to large sized sturgeons. Best caviar is made during winter and has 3 to 4% salt content, called malossol caviar. 
魚子醬 將鱘魚卵非常小心地從卵巢分離,並在冷水中沖洗,然後以細鹽醃漬;待熟成後以玻璃或其他的材料的小容器分裝、銷售。 Beluga魚子醬是指以體型巨大的大白鱘魚卵為材料所做的產品。最好的魚子醬在冬天期間生產,含有 3 到 4%的鹽,稱為 malossol 魚子醬。 