名詞 定義 
strip 1) To artificially remove eggs or sperm by manual pressure on the sides of ripe fish for purposes of fish culture, 2) an even piece of fish in the U.S.A., half of dried salted cod cut down the middle, skinned and boned. Napes, tail and edges are cut off, leaving an even thick piece.  
擠壓 1) 為了魚類養殖的目的,以人工擠壓成熟魚側邊的一種人工取卵或取精液的行為;2) 意指在美國的一種同大的魚切塊,是用半乾燥鹽醃的鱈魚切除腰部、皮膚及骨骼。後頸、尾部與邊緣被切斷,留下同大的厚切塊。 