名詞 定義 
Fish oils Oils of the drying and semi-drying types extracted from all parts of the body of fish, mostly from fatty fish, such as herring, where oil content is mainly in the body and not in the liver. May also be extracted from fish waste. Fish oils are used in the manufacture of edible fats, soaps and paints, for leather dressing and lineoleum manufacture, and also fish stearin. 
魚油 乾掉與半乾的油從魚的整個身體萃取,大部份是從脂肪魚,例如鯡魚,油含量主要在身體而不是肝臟的。可能也從魚雜中萃取。魚油被作為可食用脂肪,肥皂與塗料,用做皮革衣物與紡織產品,或直接魚油脂銷售。 