名詞 |
定義 |
fin spines |
Unsegmented and unbranched bony structures which support the fins in teleost fishes, commonly present in the anterior part of the dorsal and anal fins. Spines, or spiny rays, are usually hard and pointed, and either smooth or serrate, and made up of two components paired along the midline (bilateral). |
鰭棘 |
未片段且不分枝的多骨結構支撐硬骨魚的鰭,通常出現在背鰭與臀鰭的較前端。棘或刺狀鰭條通常是堅硬而尖的,及平滑或鋸齒狀的,而且由二組成對沿著中線組成(左右對稱的)。 |