名詞 定義 
polygamy A mating system in which each male spawns with several females, who spawn only with him. In sequential polygamy, the male forms temporary bonds with each female and remains with her for at least one spawning period; in simultaneous polygamy, the male courts and often spawns with several females in a single spawning period.  
一夫多妻制 一隻雄魚與好幾隻雌魚產卵,雌魚們也只和此隻雄魚產卵的一種交配系統。 在繼續性的一夫多妻制中,雄魚形態會暫時的束縛每隻雌魚,且和雌魚保持至少一段產卵時期;在同時發生的一夫多妻制中,雄魚在一個產卵時期中,會追求而且時常和好幾隻雌魚產卵。 