名詞 定義 
stratification The existence of several depth layers. The separation of a lake or body of water into layers of different temperature, due to heating of the surface and failure of heat to reach the bottom. See hypolimnion thermocline, epilimnion. In benthos, the presence of different infaunal species at distinct respective horizons below the sediment-water interface.  
分層 一些深度層的實體。一個湖或水團依不同溫度而分離出的一些水層,其源由於表面的熱度及熱度無法達到底部之故。見 hypolimnion thermocline、epilimnion。就底生生物而言,沉澱物水的介面之下,明顯的個別地平線上有不同的生物出現。 