名詞 定義 
alarm substance Substance poduced in the round or oval alarm substance cells (previously calles "clubcells") in the skin of Ostariophysi (Cypriniformes, Siluriformes) and Gonorhynichiformes, and which is released upon injury of the skin. On scenting the alarm substance members of the same species, and to a lesser extent related fishes, exhibit the fright reaction. The dispersal of the alarm substance apparently normally acts to warn of the presence of a preying predator. The alarm pheromone is hypoxanthine-3N-oxide comprising a purine skeleton with N-O funcitional group and sensitive to relatively weak changes in pH. Also called alarm pheromone.  
警報物質 在骨鰾魚類(鯉形目、鯰形目)和盃口目的皮膚會因受傷而由圓或橢圓形警報物質細胞 (先前 calles" clubcells")釋放。關於聞出相同的種的警報物質成員, 與對講魚的較少的範圍, 展現驚駭反應。 警報物質的散佈顯然地通常行動警告那有一個捕食掠食者。 警報費洛蒙是 hypoxanthine-3N-氧化物用 N-O 的 funcitional 群組成一個 purine 骨骼而且對在酸鹼度方面的相當弱的改變敏感。 也稱作警報費洛蒙。 