名詞 定義 
ciguatera poisoning A poisoning resulting from eating ciguatoxic fishes (or sometimes algae or invertebrates). Symptoms 3-5 hours after ingestion usually iniclude abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhoea and numbness and tingling in the mouth region which spreads to the extremities. Acute symptoms disappear in 8-10 hours, most in 24 hours in moderate cases. In severe cases weakness, visual disturbances, skin disorders, temperature perception reversals, coma and even death (12% mortality) may occur. Death appears to result from asphyxia. The toxin appears to be an "irreversible" anticholinesterase. An attack does not impart immunity. Diagnosis should be confirmed by history of ingestion and by the observation of the effect of atropine (will cause marked atropinization unless anticholinesterase intoxication is present) and by the estimation of acetylcholinesterase level in red blood cells. Treatment consists of artificial respiration with oxygen added as needed, atropinization (after recovery from cyanosis), dosing with protopam chloride and indicated symptomatic measures. The stomach should be emptied by gastric lavage, emetics or saline purges as soon as possible.  
熱帶魚中毒 指因食入雪卡毒魚類(有時是海藻或無脊椎動物)而引起的中毒現象。食入3-5小時之後通常會出現腹痛、噁心、嘔吐、嚴重腹瀉、口部及四肢麻痺刺痛的症狀。一般狀況下,急性症狀在8-10小時之後會消失,大部份的症狀則在24小時之後消失。嚴重時,會有虛弱感、視力模糊、皮膚異常、冷熱感覺顛倒、昏迷、甚至有可能窒息致死(死亡率12%)。毒性為不可逆的抗膽素脂酶作用。此中毒不會產生免疫現象,需藉由飲食紀錄、阿托品藥物檢測(若抗膽素脂酶中毒,則不會出現阿托品藥物反應)、及紅血球中的乙醯膽鹼酯脢濃度檢驗協助診斷。治療方式包括人工 